z Sold Vintage John Bianchi #1898H rig. Matt Dillon and GUNSMOKE RJT#6659
z Sold Vintage John Bianchi #1898H rig. Matt Dillon and GUNSMOKE RJT#6659
Holster - Vintage John Bianchi #1898H rig - Click to Enlarge Image

z Sold Vintage John Bianchi #1898H rig. Matt Dillon and GUNSMOKE RJT#6659

RJT#6659 -


        I have search both  “John Bianchi FRONTIER GUNLEATHER “ and “Bianchi International”
and can not find this holster and belt listed in their offerings.  I find it hard to believe they both have dropped this holster from their line. Looking at what they do offer leads me to believe this rig would be selling in the $800.00 range for this outfit.

This is the  Model “BIANCHI #1898H Large SA”.
IT IS FAST BECOMING A COLLECTABLE OF THE GOLDEN AGE OF TV WESTERNS OF THE 1950s and '60s!  All of your favorite cowboy stars and villains alike wore the same type of fast draw, buscadero-style gunbelts. This rig brings it all back - from the wide, curved gun belt to the slim holster design and featuring an exposed trigger guard and the formed leather shape in the cylinder area. Like the originals of that very special era, this outfit is ruggedly constructed for long years of hard use, or to hang on display with your western collectibles.

This rig is in very good using shape. The belt will hold .38-40, 44-40, .44spec.,.44 Russian, .44 Long Colt .45 Schofield, .45 Long Colt and more.  It will holster a 7 1/2" barreled Colt Single Action and looks proportionate to the gun. The belt is marked "32" and fits waist sizes 30,32 and34  comfortably.
"There's just one way to handle the killers and the spoilers" That's with Matt Dillon and the smell of GUNSMOKE.

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