Smooth Buffalo Horn Grips for 1911
Smooth Buffalo Horn Grips for 1911
Smooth Buffalo Horn Grips for 1911

Smooth Buffalo Horn Grips for 1911

RJT#7136 -


Here is an example of our GENUINE BUFFALO HORN grips. 
 These are made for the Iconic 1911.  
They are highly polished natural BUFFALO HORN grips that look and feel just like hand made custom grips, with all the strong grain and character of mother natures material. These grips are made of very dense hard horn and will age over time.  Most will have some character colors.  Under close examination you will see the natural grain, a close look will show only very slight differences in coloration. There is no stain or dye, just the true natural beauty of the Horn. 
 These grips are not cut for Ambidextrous Safety.  They will fit: Full size Government 1911 & Clones Colt .45 Government 1911 Pistols, Full size Colt 1911, 1911/A1, Colt Combat Commander, Colt Gold Cup and will also fit these models: full Size Kimber Clones, Full size Springfield Clones, Auto Ordnance and Para Ordnance.D7, T7, Full size DAO. They will NOT fit double stack clones or compact/officers model, nor the Nighthawk Bobtail.

Delivery of item will be in 3 - 6 business days to Continental USA.

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