Tracings for Fitting of Pre-Fit and Polymer Grips


Due to the fact that there are so many companies producing, the old and new Colt and Colt Clone Single Action Model 1873. We are now requiring a CUT OUT TRACING of your grip frame and your grip. So that we can provide a grip that can be shaped by you to fits your revolver. You need to help check to see if one of our grips will fit you gun.

You can trace your grip frame. CUT OUT the tracing and send the cut out by U.S. Mail to: 

River Junction Trade Co.

P O Box 275

McGregor Iowa 52157


1.Take the grips off of your gun.

2. Put the grip frame back together.

3. Place the 90 degree corner of a piece of file card or piece cardboard from a cereal box or back of a paper tablet in the 90 degree corner of the grip frame.

4. Turn the gun over and trace the outside edge of the  frame on the reverse side of the cardboard.

5. Do both sides.

6. CUT OUT your tracings.

7. Put the cut out tracing on the gun. Does it fit? 

8. Send the CUT OUT tracings to To River Junction. 

9. Place your order online or by phone.

We will match tracing to the available grips and send you a pair that can be fit to your gun.

Hope this is helpful. If you have questions let us know. Phone toll free 866-259-9172

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