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> z Sold ~ Blouse - Cotton Your Choice Solid or Calicos Shirtwaists ~ Heirloom Brand
z Sold ~ Blouse - Cotton Your Choice Solid or Calicos Shirtwaists ~ Heirloom Brand
z Sold ~ Blouse - Cotton Your Choice Solid or Calicos Shirtwaists ~ Heirloom Brand
z Sold ~ Blouse - Cotton Your Choice Solid or Calicos Shirtwaists ~ Heirloom Brand
The up-to-date Victorian woman this season will have her wardrobe plentifully supplied with shirtwaists. They are the correct thing for general wear and are by far the most becoming and sensible article of a woman's attire. Fits under the
1890s Long Walking Jacket
Ours has small pleats down the front and a stand-up collar that also can be folded over for more ease of movement. The leg-o-mutton sleeve has a little stiffener in the sleeve cap to help with its shape. Only all-cotton fabrics are selected for these wonderful reproductions of an icon for this era.
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Our customer Carol from Michigan, USA writes us:
To the Folks at River Junction,
I received my partial order and just want you to know how satisfied that I am. My first reaction seeing the blue calico print on the two-piece was, "My, how very lovely." I love the walking skirt----what a gorgeous design. And the tie and apron are darling, too.....just the right accessories. It is great to see very well-made clothing. I'll proudly tell people where I got my "authentic" reenactment clothing. Know that you have a very satisfied customer. And I was glad to see the tag, "Made in America." Have a most wonderful day AND year.
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